Pointe Shoe Fittings
First time pointe shoes fitting typically take up to an hour.
Students should ALWAYS have their teacher's approval BEFORE purchasing pointe shoes.
Mrs. Rachael has 10 years of experience fitting pointe shoes and specializes in fitting the FR Duval brand of pointe shoes. This is a very exciting time in a young ballerina’s life and we are thrilled to be a part of this momentous occasion. Mrs. Rachael fits each dancer personally to ensure the best fit.
Teacher approval and Return policy
Do NOT sew ribbons on the shoes or allow them to be worn or soiled before you have your teacher's approval.
Shoes that have been sewn, are dirty, or have been worn cannot be returned.
Pointe shoes must fit snugly and no growing room is permitted
Pointe shoes that are too big or too wide increase the risk of injury, ingrown and bruised toenails, as well as bunions.
Teachers are welcome to attend pointe shoe fittings
Preparing for your Pointe Shoe Fitting
Before the fitting, wash and dry the feet and clip toenails but not too short.
We prefer for ballet clothes to be worn for your fitting.
Tights are preferred for the fitting and they must be convertible so the fitter can access the bare feet and toes
The fitter needs to see the dancer's body placement while on pointe
Stretch and warm up the feet and ankles gently to prepare for your fitting
During your Pointe Shoe Fitting
Communicate to the fitter exactly what the feet are feeling to get the best fit.
Pointe shoes should be snug and supportive, but not painful.
You will have the opportunity to try more than one style of toe padding
Toe spacers may be needed to keep the big toe in correct alignment and to prevent bunions
Have fun and make sure someone takes pictures of this special event
At the fitting, you will purchase pointe shoes, elastic, ribbons, toe pads, and toe spacers. We also sell pointe shoe kits for sewing supplies and toenail care.
In a Properly Fitting Shoe:
The toe box fits smoothly against the tops of the toes
The big toe fits comfortably in the end of the toe box in a second position grand plie
All five toes should lie flat against the bottom
The heel is snug when the dancer stands flat; on pointe there will be a pinch in the heel fabric.
Balance should be achieved on the center of the platform while en pointe.
There should be no sliding down or sinking in the box while en pointe
Sewing on your ribbons and elastics
We will explain how to sew the ribbons and elastics before you leave. We feel it is a right of passage for a young ballerina to learn to properly sew her own pointe shoes. We have jumbo safety pins that are available for purchase if you would like for us to put the ribbons and elastics in the correct place for you.
Replace Pointe shoes when:
The dancer's feet grow so that the shoes are uncomfortably tight, digging into the Achilles tendon or pressing on the big toe in plie'.
Foot shape has changed and the dancer is no longer supported properly
A different shank strength is needed due to technique progression
The shoes start to lose their supportive qualities
It becomes difficult to balance en pointe
Important Toenail care tips
To prevent ingrown nails, toenails should be kept at a healthy short length not reaching past the edge of the toes. Prospective pointe students should begin wearing their toe nails shorter as soon as possible to help the tips of their toes to toughen up. Good maintenance includes cutting nails close to the quick in the center, but not too close, then straight across out to the edges. Do not dig into the sides. Do not cut a V in the big toenails. Never ever tear toe nails off!!! This causes chronic ingrown toenails. Wearing too long toenails in pointe shoes can cause severe pain and toenail bruising and can even cause the big toenail to fall off completely.