Dress Code
*Students are required to wear proper ballet attire.
En Pointe Ballet follows the traditional ballet dress code to promote uniformity and professionalism.
Pre-School and Kindergarten classes wear Baby Pink leotards.
All others wear Black leotards in the style of their choice
as long as they are modest and not revealing
as long as they are modest and not revealing
Ballet Pink seamless tights that cover the foot
(Underwear should not be worn, as the tights serve as underwear)
Ballet Slippers-Pink Leather only
(Split sole slippers are preferred, but not required)
The satin slippers sold in the children’s dept at Walmart
are NOT suitable for ballet.
Allowed for all classes if they are sheer, above the knee,
and the same color as the leotard (NO Tutus Please)
and the same color as the leotard (NO Tutus Please)
All girls with hair chin length or longer
must wear their hair in a traditional ballet bun for every class.
Girls with very short hair must have their hair
secured neatly off their face.
Pre-pointe/ Pointe classes
secured neatly off their face.
Pre-pointe/ Pointe classes
Pink convertible tights, black leotard, black short skirt
Pointe shoes upon teacher recommendation only.
We oversee all pointe shoe fittings personally
We oversee all pointe shoe fittings personally
Black leggings or fitted capri's
Black semi-fitted shirt or black leotard
Pink ballet slippers...split-sole preferred
Black semi-fitted shirt or black leotard
Pink ballet slippers...split-sole preferred
Male students
Boys - White T-shirt and black dance leggings
Black ballet shoes and white socks.
Men - Black T-shirt, black men's tights, dance belt
Black ballet shoes
Should be kept to a minimum (tiny earrings are permitted)
Hoop earrings, bracelets, and necklaces can be dangerous in ballet class
and are not allowed.
and are not allowed.
All personal jewelry, other than tiny earrings, is prohibited during picture days, performances and partnering classes.
Dress Code: Why does it matter? When taking a classical ballet class dancers are asked to wear a specific color, perhaps a specific leotard, tights, color scheme…The reason this is so important is dancers need to be able to see the lines their body is making, they need to notice hip alignment, straight knees, lifted arches, head alignment, arm position… and so so so much more technical detail. They do not need to be distracted by color, straps, patterns, lines and random things. In addition, when a teacher looks across the room it is so much easier to catch and correct things when there is a uniform look to all the dancers.
Parents- Don’t let your kids push these boundaries. You are paying for quality ballet instruction with progress you can measure- partner with the teacher by requiring dress and hair requirements that are part of the discipline you are wanting by putting your child in ballet.
Parents- Don’t let your kids push these boundaries. You are paying for quality ballet instruction with progress you can measure- partner with the teacher by requiring dress and hair requirements that are part of the discipline you are wanting by putting your child in ballet.
Please Label Everything
All bags and ballet slippers must be labeled with student’s name.
The studio is not responsible for lost or unlabeled items.
Ballet Slippers should NEVER be worn outside
For the sake of modesty students should wear something to cover their ballet attire when coming to and from ballet classes.

**Winter Note**
Especially during the winter months please wear legwarmers, sweat pants or pajama pants to keep legs warm before and after class.